We believe at Bellevue Christian Center that Saved People, Serve People. Check out the different teams below and find a place where you can serve! If you're not sure where to start, fill out the form and we'll help you get connected.
Sunday mornings with BCC Kids is a great place to be! Our kids participate in worship, message, games, and small groups. Our BCC Kids Leaders help love on the next generation. Sign up today to become a BCC Kids leader.
How cute are the little babies? As a BCC Kids Leader, you’ll spend your Sundays singing, learning and of course playing and making little friends! Sign up today to become a BCC Kids leader.
On Wednesdays, our BCC Kids participate in Life Groups. We are looking for Leaders to create a Life Group based off what you’re passionate about. We’ve had everything from Olympic themed to strong girls of the Bible. Sign up today to become a BCC Kids leader.
One of the most lively groups at BCC is our Youth! If you love competitive impromptu games, helping navigate the ever-changing high school land, and the occasional baby food eating contest, then being a BCC Youth Leader is a perfect fit! Sign up today to become a Youth leader.
Our BCC Youth Middle School meets on Sundays (except the first Sunday) to hear their own special message. Our Sunday Middle School team talks about anything from the latest trends and dance videos to how we can share God within our schools.
Love singing? We do too! Sign up to audition with our Worship Pastor and get to know more about how to serve using your voice!
Previous experience singing is necessary.
Have a musical talent and love being part of a team? Our Worship Musicians help create the atmosphere of our worship time. Sign up to learn more on how you can use your gift to serve!
Acoustic Guitar
Electric Guitar
Bass Guitar
Drum Kit
Previous experience playing an instrument is necessary.
Our Production Team is in need of volunteers who are passionate about making our service sound great! Sign up today to become part of the Production + Tech Team.
Experience is helpful but not necessary.
Our visuals team covers everything from slides to lights to monitoring our live stream. Sign up today to become part of the Production + Tech Team.
Experience is helpful but not necessary.
Love capturing the moment? We are looking for photographers and videographers who can capture the passion and atmosphere of our Sundays and events. Sign up today to become a BCC Photographer.
Experience is helpful but not necessary.
Love capturing the moment through video? Maybe your skills lie in producing the final product. We can use your skills!
Experience is helpful but not necessary.
Designing the next big thing? Are you a digital artist that enjoys telling a story through your work?
Experience is helpful but not necessary.
The only requirement to be part of the Welcome Team is a smile! Our Welcome Team greets our Sunday guests each morning with a smile and a wave. Sign up today to become part of the Welcome Team.
Mmmm… can you smell the coffee? Our Cafe Team greets our Sunday guests with a warm cup of coffee and a snack. Sign up today to become part of the Welcome Team.
Prior coffee experience is not necessary.
Our Prayer Team spends their time serving by praying for you and our church. As a Prayer Team member, you will be part of covering the church in prayer and praying for specific request. Sign up today to become part of the Prayer + Care Team.
Our For Bellevue Team is made up of individuals who have the heart to jump in at minutes notice. From shoveling the sweet neighbor’s driveway to hauling a bed for a single mother. To serving our local schools to caring for our military community. Our For Bellevue Team is there to help. Sign up today to become part of the Prayer + Care Team.
Feeling called to lead a Life Group? We want to place you in a position to help BCC grow community and discipleship. Sign up today to become a Life Group Leader.